Code of conduct for all members
As we are affiliated to the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association, we are expected to conduct our activities within the rules of the Association. These rules include the WASA Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and an Equity Policy. The club follows the following “Code of Behaviour” which we ask our members to follow. We would ask you to therefore to read each category carefully so you know what is expected of you as a member of our club. The Code will be provided to all new members. In addition, we expect all swimmers to sign up to the swimmers code of conduct.
General Code of Behaviour for All Members of the Club
As a member of Bridgend County Swim Squad, you are expected to meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by the club:
- Maintain high standard of personal behaviour at all times.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, abilities, cultural background or religion.
- Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
- Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions.
- Make a commitment to being a member of a club whose objective is to provide a quality service in a safe environment for the conduct of the sport.
- Be aware of and maintain the standards, rules, regulations and policies of the sport and operate within the rules of the sport including national and international guidelines, which govern the sport.
- Do not use your involvement with the club to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of the club.
- Refrain from any acts of physical or verbal aggression towards or harassment of others.
- Refrain from any behaviour that may bring the club into disrepute.
Code Of Conduct For Parents
- Complete and return your child’s medical information on your joining form. Report any changes in the state of the child’s health to the coach prior to coaching sessions. Ensure the club has up to date contact details for you. Ensure the club has alternative contact details for you.
- Deliver and collect your child punctually to and from the coaching sessions/swim meets. Please inform a member of the coaching staff if there is an unavoidable problem.
- If the club changes your child’s squad, please remember the change is to provide appropriate levels of training and enable you child to progress and should be facilitated and encouraged at all times.
- Ensure your child is properly and adequately attired for the training session/event including all required equipment, hat, goggles and all relevant training kit including dry land training.
- Inform the coach before a session if your child is to be collected early from a coaching session/meet and if so by whom.
- Encourage your child to obey rules and teach them that they can only do their best. Do not force your child to swim.
- Behave responsibly as a spectator at training/meets and treat swimmers, coaches, committee members and parents of yours and other clubs with due respect, meeting the WASA commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Ensure they do not use inappropriate language within the club environment.
- Show appreciation and support your child and all the team members.
- Ensure your child’s needs are met in terms of nutritional needs and listen to advice given from the coaches.
- Support the coaching staff and committee and raise any concerns you have in an appropriate manner. Details of the club’s Welfare Officer can be found on the BCSS website.
- Do not enter poolside during the meets unless requested to do so or in an emergency.
- If you wish to have a discussion with the coach please speak to them after a session to arrange a suitable time. In your dealing with your child’s coach, treat the coach with respect and in the same manner as you would wish to be treated.
- Most of all help your child enjoy the sport and achieve to the best of their ability.
- Ensure good child protection guide lines are followed at all times to keep your child safe.
- Ensure all activities are properly supervised/taught/coached and consent is obtained for any activity previously agreed.
- Inform you at once if your child is ill and ensure their wellbeing until you are able to collect them.
- Make a written complaint to the club if they feel the club or a member of the club is not acting appropriately to the BCSS Constitution, Codes of conduct, Ethos and Expectations and WASA Club laws and rules. Details of how to do this can be obtained from the club Welfare Officer.
- Make a complaint on behalf of their child to the WASA.
N.B. The Coach will deal with breaches of the Code for Swimmers in the first instance. This may include a verbal warning followed by a sitting out for a *timeout’. The coach may also require the swimmer to get dressed and sit back on the poolside, if a parent or other responsible adult is not present. If the coach considers the breach (or breaches) merit this, the coach will report the incident to the Welfare Officer, which will be dealt with in accordance with the BCSS and WASA guidelines. Sanctions for breach of any code may include a verbal or written warning or suspension from the clubs activities. The Club also has the right under its constitution to suspend or expel a swimmer for breaches by the relevant parent of the code for parents.
Swimmers Code of Behaviour
As a swimmer/member of the club, you are expected to meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by the club:
Respect For Others:
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow swimmers, coaches, officials and spectators.
- Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow swimmers and competitors.
- Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the official, making all appeals through the formal process and respecting the final decision.
- Do not tolerate acts of aggression.
Personal Conduct:
- Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and your team and cooperate with coaches and staff in their endeavour to prepare you for competition at the highest level.
- Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train fully within the program requirements.
- Arrive in advance of training session start times and warm up in advance of the session commencing.
- Behave with your coach as you would with a teacher, listen and pay attention to instruction. Training should be fun but it is not play.
- Conduct yourself in a considerate manner relating to language and temper. Language in a public place or relevant group situation must always be appropriate and socially acceptable.
- Alcohol and smoking is totally forbidden for athletes under age as defined by law.
- The use of performance enhancing drugs and illegal substances is totally forbidden. It is your responsibility to check that any medication you take does not contain a banned substance under A.S.A. law.
Personal Appearance:
Take pride in your appearance. At all time, your appearance shall be appropriate to the circumstances as indicated by the team staff with Team kit being worn as directed by the team staff.
Team Requirements:
- A willingness to adopt, develop and sustain a “positive attitude” towards team goals and objectives is required, together with a high level of team co-operation with other team members and team staff.
- Punctuality on all occasions is a desirable quality.
- When required, team accommodation and transport as allocated by the team staff shall be used.
- When away with the team, members must attend all team meetings and other functions as directed by the team staff and any team curfews must be observed.
Team Sanctions:
Breaches of this code shall be dealt with in the first instances by the team staff. Where necessary, the team staff will follow this up with a report to the Club Disciplinary Committee who shall take further action as is deemed necessary.